Marketing Benefits of Sponsorship
The marketing and public relations campaign for the Ravine Bluffs Centennial Celebration, WRIGHT AROUND TOWN and the September 2015 Housewalk will attract consumers, history buffs, architecture fans and Wright aficionados from the Chicagoland region and beyond. Sponsors of these community-based markers will enjoy positive consumer awareness and traffic from the campaign for this highly visible and memorable project – along with media attention via newspapers, television, radio, e-marketing, newsletters and social media.
Each Sponsor will be recognized on a plaque affixed to the base of the marker. Each Sponsor will also be applauded with marketing and public recognition in accordance with their level of sponsorship – Gold, Silver or Bronze.
The Glencoe Historical Society is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. Sponsorships are also tax deductible to the full extent permitted by law.
GOLD SPONSORS ($5000 donation)
- Name and logo prominently displayed in WRIGHT AROUND TOWN printed material
- Name and logo prominently displayed on www.wrightinglencoe.org website and on www.glencoehistory.org website
- Half page ad in Wright Around Town Kickoff Program
- Half page ad in Gala Auction Program
- Four tickets to Wright Around Town Kickoff on June 5, 2015
- Four tickets to Wright Around Town Closing Gala on October 3, 2015
- Preferred Marker Placement (available location selection in order of donation receipt)
- Full and complete ownership of the marker at the conclusion of the public display if desired
SILVER SPONSORS ($4000 donation)
- Name and logo displayed in WRIGHT AROUND TOWN printed material
- Name and logo included on www.wrightinglencoe.org website
- Quarter page ad in Gala Auction Program
- Two tickets to Wright Around Town Kickoff on June 5, 2015
- Two tickets to Wright Around Town Closing Gala on October 3, 2015
- Preferred Marker Placement (available location selection in order of donation receipt)
BRONZE SPONSORS ($3000 donation)
- Name included in marker listing on WRIGHT AROUND TOWN printed material
- Name included in marker list on www.wrightinglencoe.org website
- Two tickets to Wright Around Town Kickoff on June 5, 2015
- Two tickets to Wright Around Town Closing Gala on October 3, 2015